Groups - Societies, Associations, Networks, Personal Sites
- CNS - Canadian Nuclear Society - the voice of the individual. The Bulletin, conferences, seminars, short courses...
- CNA - Canadian Nuclear Association - an association of many industries and enterprises sharing a common interest in the development and application of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
- OCI www.oci-aic - The Organization of CANDU Industries represents its membership in support of domestic and international equipment supply to the nuclear industry.
- WiN - Women in Nuclear (WiN) Canada - A world-wide association of women working professionally in various fields of nuclear energy and radiation applications.
- UNENE - The University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering - an industry sponsored, university based, research and education initiative to address the current and future human resourse needs of the nuclear industry.
- The NWMO is a new organization created to recommend a long-term approach for managing used nuclear fuel produced by Canada's electricity generators. Their final report is available as of 2005.11.03.
- Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy (Canada) (EFN-CANADA) - a Canadian federally incorporated not-for-profit organization whose objects are to provide complete and straightforward information about energy and the environment, to make known the advantages of nuclear energy, and especially the environmental benefits, to bring together persons favouring the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes with respect for the environment and with proper management of nuclear waste.
- Canadians for Nuclear Energy - A grassroots non-profit organization composed of Canadian scientists, doctors, engineers, energy workers, policy experts, and citizens who believe that nuclear energy must be part of Canada's path forward on climate change.
- The Society for the Preservation of Canada's Nuclear Heritage - non-profit charitable organization founded in 2017 in Deep River, Ontario. The Society's goal is the collection, safeguarding, and promotion of documents, artifacts, memorabilia, and knowledge associated with the history of the Canadian nuclear industry.
- Personal sites
- Canadian Nuclear FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about the Canadian Nuclear Scene, focusing on CANDU. For the general audience. By Jeremy Whitlock.
- NucEng - A university level Nuclear Engineering site . Contains online courses. Good starting point for the nuclear student. By Bill Garland
- Nuclear Issues by J.A.L. Robertson. A well reasoned site by an accomplished and recognized scientist. Archived at
- Computare - Computare's mission is to help with the understanding of energy and it's influence on life. By Duane Pendergast
- Canadian Nuclear Pioneers - Information on the pioneers of the Canadian nuclear enterprise, presented by the Canadian Nuclear Society
- Health Physics
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- IAEA PRIS - Power Reactor Information System, a database of power reactors. Tons of good information here.
- American Nuclear Society
- NA-YGN - The North American Young Generation (NA-YGN) in Nuclear provides opportunities for a young generation of nuclear enthusiasts to develop leadership and professional skills, create life-long connections, engage and inform the public, and inspire today's nuclear technology professionals to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
- The University of Texas ANS Student Chapter - an excellent site.
- The International Nuclear Society Council (INSC) is an organization whose Member Societies represent more than 50,000 nuclear professionals around the world.
- - guide to radioactive waste resources on the Internet. The award winning WasteLink directory includes more than 5000 links to radwaste, nuclear, and radiation related companies, research centres, regulatory agencies, government organizations, non-governmental organizations, etc. An excellent, balanced site.
- Nuclear Engineering Source Book - an excellent source of nuclear engineering educational information brought to you by the North Carolina State University Department of Nuclear Engineering.
- WONC , World Council of Nuclear Workers - for the defence of nuclear energy and the creation and development of relationships between the representative organizations of nuclear industry workers.
- Radiation, Science, and Health is an international non-profit organization, organized by independent individuals, knowledgeable in the radiation health effects science, and in the associated public policy. They are knowledgeable of the misrepresentations of the data and the waste of public resources to support radiation protection policy that provide NO public health benefit.
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - to ensure adequate protection of the public health and safety, the common defense and security, and the environment in the use of nuclear materials in the United States. Has a nice reference library and a student's corner.
- WNA - World Nuclear Association - The WNA's role is to support the global nuclear energy industry through working groups, key policy forums and conferences. In particular see:
- Personal sites
- Health Physics
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