Nuc Eng
Home Page
On this page:
- Research
- Courses
- Reference Info
- NucEd Initiatives
- Links/Downloads
Hello, hello! Wot's this, then?
This is a site for students and others interested in Nuclear Engineering, built when I was Professor in the
Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University. I am retired now but still maintain the site. Suggestions and comments are
welcome. Contact me. My short bio (pdf 9kb).
Looking for general nuclear info, courses, links, technical reports, etc.? Check out the links below. This site contains complete lecture notes, worked problems and actual lecture recordings (screen and audio capture). Check it out and enjoy! Personal Commentary (Bill Garland): EmPOWERment: Energy for human betterment: I got into nuclear many years ago precisely because of my concern for the environment. Many of us have been plugging away for years doing the best we can to promote and implement the use of nuclear. I have been concerned for many years about pollution and the many other footprints we make. But we need to acknowledge the good progress that has been made over the years. We do see all too frequently, a frenzy over the fear of the moment where some fear mongers feed into peoples' emotions to create (along with media's help) unbalanced perceptions. Read more ...
Research Information
Course Information
Reference Information
- a growing collection of nuclear information that you might find useful.
To read more about this, click here.
- Nuclear Facts and Opinions - Did you know
- Nuclear Acronyms
- Nuclear Outreach - on communicating to the public, the media and to the anti-nukes
- Risk - keeping it in perspective
- Nuclear Safety: Become a Nuclear Safety Expert (pdf 1.1Mb) by Herschel Specter, January 2019. The first three pages of this report are sufficient to put nuclear safety in perspective.
- Radiation information
- Safeguards and Waste Management - On the issue of safeguarding nuclear reactors and long-lived nuclear waste into the future.
- Costs of Nuclear Power Plants and related matters.
- Nuclear Fission Fuel is Inexhaustible
- Nuclear fission energy is as inexhaustible as those energies usually termed "renewable", such as hydro, wind, solar, and biomass. (Archival copy pdf 270kb)
- Plants and Events
- The Medical Isotope Crisis
- Climate change - facts and opinions
- Virus infection dynamics - an aside not directly related to nulear but it does offer an opportunity to explore how to think about risky phenomena.
- Interesting talks
- Overview of Nuclear Reactors and their Uses - a presentation given by Jeremy Whitlock, AECL to McMaster students in 1995 (with permission) (pdf 466kb)
- Seminar: Medical Radioisotope Production: Where Next? (pdf 5.0Mb) by Dr. Eleodor Nichita of UOIT, CNS Toronto Branch seminar, 2009-06-29.
- Seminar: The CANDU Program and AECL by Ben Rouben, AECL, Slides (pdf 2.9Mb), Recorded seminar (exe 55.6Mb) on 2007.01.11 at McMaster University. Listen to Ben's review of CANDU history, AECL's role, and current opportunities. Focused on reactor physics. Well worth the rather large download (sorry about that but it is the best we candu).
- Seminar: Searching for a Sustainable Energy Future (pdf 51kb) by Dr. Patrick Moore (bio, pdf 84kb), co-founder of Greenpeace, currently Chair and Chief Scientist of Greenspirit Strategies. This is dynamite stuff. Given at McMaster March 29, 2006. You can listen to essentially the same seminar here.
- UNENE news item in the McMaster Daily News 2006 (pdf version 35kb)
- My reading list - collection of odds and sods, most of which provide food for thought
- Humour - Take a break from work.
Nuclear Educational Initiatives in Canada
- UNENE, the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering, is offering a inter-university Master's degree program.
- CANTEACH - CANDU technical information, an industry, university, CNS initiative that began in January 2000 with the mandate to produce technical educational material on CANDU.
- CNS Conferences and Courses - check here for the latest news on upcoming conferences and courses sponsored by the Canadian Nuclear Society (Student Conference, Annual Conference, Nuclear Simulation Symposium, ...).
- Canadian Nuclear Society Universities Committee - a committee devoted to assist in the coordination the activities of Canadian universities with nuclear programs, including the CNS Student conferences.
The Essential CANDU - a new CANDU textbook.
Nuclear Links and Downloads
- Introductory Nuclear Educational Material - for high school and grade school teachers.
- - Looking for information related to the overall Canadian Nuclear Enterprise and international links? The links formerly posted on this site have been moved to the portal <- Temporarily down for service. Cloned here for now.
Information found there includes:
- Nuclear News
- Careers page - links to full-time and summer career and job information, including at our own reactor - Jobs, jobs, jobs!!! Now contains articles relating to supply and demand.
- Company links.
- Who's Who - Find out where to study Nuclear Science and Engineering Research and Education, who is doing what and where.
- Nuclear Courses offered in Canada - a convenient list of and links to all nuclear related courses offered in Canada.
- Links to Discussion groups.
- Technical documents - books, reports, journals, educational material.
- Downloads (Computer Codes) Related to the Nuclear Industry.
- Nuclear at McMaster University
Several links from this web site are to files in portable document format (pdf) format. You can use Adobe's Acrobat Reader to browse pdf documents on-line, print the document and download the files. If you haven't installed Adobe's Acrobat Reader already, click here to download it for free. (Adobe and Acrobat Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated).
Comments? Contact me
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Bill Garland
"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad." - author unknown